Well it's finally there! What an ordeal getting the work to BC. It left Ontario on the 30th of March and landed in Victoria by the 6th of April. One would think whoo hoo... we're on track, it just has to go north to the gallery. But oh no................ there it stayed according to the way bill anyway. And stayed, and stayed. At first I thought not too much of it, since the only other check in point was from London to Mississauga, and then nothing till Victoria. I figured it just hadn't been scanned yet, but would show up soon. Two days later, I realized I needed to get involved. Hmmmm, no one can manage to tell me where it is... uh.. really... 6 giant crates of my work , my life for the past couple of years, and you, uh, can't find it? Pardon?After much fussing about, and three, yes I said 3, more days the crates are located in Nanaimo. (at least they were headed in the right direction). But the originating shipping company had place a hold on the delivery. They had told us to mark two man delivery on the way bill. Ok. Done. But one problem, the company on the delivery end that they transferred to, doesn't do 2 man delivery. Ummm, again, what, shouldn't YOU know that... just thinking might have been a good idea to know what your subcontractors are capable of BEFORE you use them. Maybe it's just me.
Sooo............... here we are. I'm a basket case, by this time the gallery really needs the work to install, and it's stuck in Nanaimo. Then we get Judy on the line (cue the angel sounds). Judy suggests that her people can deliver without 2 men, that yes, just one guy and a dolly can do it. Which I have to say makes sense, since I have been able to move most of the around by myself at home while building them. So we tell Judy to go ahead, and what do you know, the work is delivered the very next day!
Judy thank you thank you thank you.
Also a big big thank you to the curator and staff at
Campbell River for their patience and help during all this. I really appreciate it.
And one more thank you to the
Ontario Arts Council for their support with exhibition assistance.